Accelerating the SUMBA approach in SUMBA+


April 1st marked the beginning of the extension stage project of SUMBA, aka SUMBA+. It addresses the challenge that car-based commuter traffic causes a number of problems including congestion, high greenhouse gas emissions from individual transport, air pollution, space needs for car-parking, and a decrease in the cost-recovery contribution of public transport.

The main project SUMBA has addressed the aforementioned challenge by providing strategic and data-based approaches to find good solutions. In particular, SUMBA pilot cities developed commuting master plans, based on a thorough data-based analysis using SWOT analyses and transport modelling. These developed masterplans now need support to be put into practice. The 5 model regions in SUMBA+ are Tallinn/Harju, Tartu, Riga, Växjö and Hamburg.

The main objective of the project SUMBA+ is therefore to support the implementation of measures planned in the commuting master plans developed in the SUMBA project. This includes three main pillars:

  1. working on specific measures laid down in the commuting master plans,
  2. further providing data-evidence from transport models and
  3. lobbying for political and financial support on local, regional and national level.

Finally, SUMBA+ will keep promoting the SUMBA approach on the national and international level.

The main output of SUMBA+ will provide more support for the implementation of commuting master plans:

  • it will include accessibility and feasibility studied for intermodal transport hubs,
  • the installation of a bicycle library following the example from the SUMBA main project, and
  • studies how to integrate estimation of GHG emission reduction potential of transport measures and real-time modal split estimations into the implementation of commuting master plans.

We expect that the project will push the implementation of actual measures to support intermodal, non car-based commuting in the pilot cities. Furthermore, we expect that the project will set good examples on national and international level and convince other planners and decision makers to follow the SUMBA approach to support the transition in the mobility sector.